Financial Sector Specialist

Nan Zhou

Nan is a Financial Sector Specialist at the World Bank’s Financial Sector Advisory Center (FinSAC), responsible for coordinating technical assistance projects on deposit insurance and financial safety net contingency planning. In his role, he has covered a broad range of deposit insurance topics in more than 15 countries, including on coverage, funding, premium and investment policies, reporting standards and payout procedures, institutional risk management and business continuity planning, bank resolution, public financial backstops, and interagency crisis preparedness. He has also supported the amendment of deposit insurance laws in several jurisdictions and contributed to multiple lending operations by the World Bank to support deposit insurance funds and resolution funds. Nan currently serves on the IADI Financial Technology Technical Committee. Before his assignment in FinSAC, Nan worked for the World Bank’s Development Research Group as an experienced analyst for the Global Financial Development Report series. He also contributed to several World Development Reports including in 2022 on Finance for an Equitable Recovery. Nan holds a Master’s Degree in Economics from Cornell University.